Northbridge Common
Photo Project

Take 5 and Wind It On – 20 disposable cameras are handed out to a diverse group of locals to snap 5, and pass it on! When the film runs out, cameras will be dropped-off or collected. Northbridge Common members will choose the best local photos to be displayed around Perth, Highgate, and Northbridge, they may also appear on this website and our socials. Instructions are provided here and on each camera to help you along your photographer journey. Just capture whatever inspires you!  

Be sure to follow the project details on our Instagram  

STEP 1 – Register/agree to consent guidelines, 
– fill in the form at the bottom of the page or email:  [email protected]

– When taking the photo of someone, say to them: “This photo may be used in the Take 5 Photo project, and may appear in an exhibition, in public spaces in the northbridge neighbourhood”.
-No means no, but yes means you can take your time and capture a nice photo!

STEP 2 Take some photos!

– Take up to 5 photos of something that inspires you about our neighbourhood

– Pick a theme – shops/people/pets/food/flowers/signs

– Keep it local – somewhere in Northbridge, Highgate, and Perth suburbs.

TIPS for best results: 

1) Shoot in daylight (these camera’s don’t perform well in low light)

2) Always Turn Flash ON

3) Make sure your subject is 1-1.5m away

4) Make sure your finger isn’t over the lens

STEP 3 Pass it on!

Pass the camera on to a friend or someone random

Once all the photos are done please return to: Parkside Cafe – Stuart St Reserve, Perth 6000  
Email: [email protected], and we will arrange a pick-up! 
Please include the the following if using email:

Name, Camera number, Sequence of frames on the roll you used (ie: 11-16) and: ‘I have gained consent from people/private property owners that I have photographed’.

For a downloadable/printable version of the instructions CLICK HERE