Want to learn more about us? Click here to access our Action Plan. This is a working document frequently updated to reflect how we can #CelebrateNorthbridge through four main areas to Activate, Champion, Shape and Manage the vibrancy of our neighborhood. Download the Action Plan below, and if you want to get involved then send us an email here.
Here are some key takeaways about our action plan;
Northbridge Common champions Northbridge as the creative and cultural epicentre of Perth through its diversity in culture, business, arts and entertainmnet – driven by a sense of community at its heart
Focus Areas
- Activate
- Events and celebrations to bring life and energy to our streets, laneways, parks and businesses
- Champion
- Using our networks and channels to spread the word of how amazing Northbridge is while advocating for better decisions for, and investment in, our community
- Shape
- The ‘hard stuff’ – greenery, public art etc – needed for Northbridge Life to unfold.
- Manage
- Making sure we’re striking up wins in the most efficient, effective and enjoyable way possible.
If you want to get involved, do not hesitate to reach out to us!